Executive and Committees


Tony Hunt

Vice President
Tom Dolo

Janet Helm

Greg Tweed

Mike Richards
Norm Wilhelm
Dale Jackaman
Steve Brown

Past President
Sandra Harley

Board Support
Tenille Miller

The President is the chief executive officer of the Society. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, including Board Meetings. The President along with the Board of Directors exercises general supervision over the business affairs, interests and welfare of the Society in accordance with its purposes and objectives; appoints all standing committees and such special committees, as the deemed necessary; is an official member of each committee but cannot act or be Chair of any committee. The President may assign such of his duties, as he deems necessary and appropriate to the Vice President, and/or other officers and directors of the Society.

The Vice President assists the President in the performance of his /her duties and performs any and all duties specifically delegated to the Vice President by the President. The Vice-President is the Ethics Director and Committee Chair.

In the event of the death, resignation, removal suspension or incapacity of the President, the Vice-President assumes and exercises the duties of the President for the un-expired portion of his term.

The Vice President shall be designated as President Elect at the beginning of the Annual General Meeting at which he/she is to become President unless members nominate a person or persons to also run for the office of President. In such instances, the President Elect shall be considered one of the nominees. The members shall elect the President from among the nominees.

The Secretary shall keep the records of the Society and shall take Minutes at Society meetings as set forth in the By-laws and distributes the minutes for board member review prior to the next meeting. Updates members by posting approved minutes in our website; sends out official correspondence to members such as notices of AGM or amendments to Bylaws.  For the purposes of the 2017/2018 Membership year, it has been approved that these duties will be distributed to a designate and the Secretary will oversee the duties performed.

The Treasurer keeps the financial records of the Society, handles the funds as directed by the Board of Directors; issues financial reports as required by the Society Act and the Board of Directors and ensures the Board of Directors receives a monthly financial statement at each Board meeting;  ensures all official board correspondence is filed in annual binder, the annual report is filed each year with the Minister of Finance along with any changes in the by-laws, or address;  ensures the annual financial statement is prepared prior to the annual general meeting of members; pays bills in a timely manner; assists the conference committee and other committees with financial budgets for their operations.

The Membership Director is responsible for ensuring membership applications are processed in a timely manner; the PI and Business membership database is maintained and membership queries are answered promptly; ensures that membership renewals are sent out in August of each year. They develop programs and actions to encourage new members; maintains membership services and benefits including reviewing and identifying new vendors.

The Professional Development Committee Chair is responsible for researching and approving professional development opportunities and resources; making them available to our members and others; and ensures our education materials are up to date.

The Communication Technologies Committee Chair is responsible for ensuring that our website is up to date and directors have access to relevant areas based on their needs; ensures PIABC Communications meet the needs of the members including “chat and News” options. That digital forms and tools like membership applications and our Find-a-PI work effectively; assists with digital technologies to facilitate web based conferencing of meetings and AV technologies at events.

The Events Committee Chair is responsible for planning events such as our AGM, Conferences, and workshops.  Identifies presenters, exhibitors, and facilities associated with these events and helps market the events.

This Committee includes Government Regulators liaison as well as ICBC/WSBC and is responsible for initiating and leading all communications with Government Regulators, ICBC and WSBC, addressing issues of interest to our members and updating our members on a regular basis and whenever they uncover news of interest to our members.

Responsible for receiving, assessing and investigating complaints about PIABC members. Makes recommendations to the Board regarding any action contemplated. Maintains the current procedures and options for dealing with complaints.

Responsible to liaise with all levels of government, other groups and associations pertaining to matters of interest to our members and industry.  This position can include the CAPI representative.